Friday, May 24, 2013

Break Lord the Bread of Life

You broke the Bread of Life, for us did die,
When on the cross you hung, our sacri-fice;
Beyond the written page, we seek You Lord,
Our spirits live through You, O Living Word!

You blessed the Truth to us, Lord now we see,
For You did break our chains and set us free;
Now does our bondage cease, all fetters fall,
Now we have found our peace, our All in All!

You are the Bread of Life, Wine on the lee,
Your Word the very Truth that set us free,
Gave us to eat and drink, with You above,
Taught us to love in Truth, for You are Love!

Your Spirit dwells with us, Your Temple we,
For He did touch our eyes, and now we see,
Showed us the truth concealed, within Your Word,
And in our lives revealed, they see the Lord!