Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Jesus lives, and So Do We

Jesus lives, and so do we; death, thy sting is gone forever!
He for us did deign to die, lives the bands of death, He's severed!
He has raised us from the dust, Jesus is our strength and trust!

Jesus lives and reigns supreme, and His Kingdom still remaining;
We shall ever be with Him, ever living, ever reigning!
God has promised, be it must, Jesus is our strength and trust!

Jesus lives, and by His grace, vic'try o'er our passions giving,
So have changed our hearts and ways, ever to His glory living!
He has raised us from the dust, Jesus is our strength and trust!

Jesus lives, we know full well, Naught from Him our hearts can sever;
Life nor death nor pow'rs of hell,joy nor grief, henceforth forever
None of all His saints is lost, Jesus is our strength and trust!

Jesus lives, and death is naught, for we've entered into glory;
Courage then my brothers, thou, hast a crown of life forever!
They did find their hope was just; Jesus is our strength and trust!

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